Twin sex twins
Incest between twins or twincest is a subclass of sibling incest and includes both heterosexual In a review of the scholarly literature on twin homosexuality and twin incest, Ray Bixler concluded that "most same sex homosexual twins.
Male twins reduce fitness of female co-twins in humans
The vast majority of twins are either dizygotic (fraternal) or For example, the sex ratio of birth in the US is
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Description:A female calf that is the twin of a bull becomes partially masculinized and is known as a freemartin. These studies compare monozygotic and dizygotic twins for medical , genetic , or psychological characteristics to try to isolate genetic influence from epigenetic and environmental influence. Chimera genetics A chimera is an ordinary person or animal except that some of their parts actually came from their twin or from the mother. The number of differences between identical twins increases with age. This condition occurs in about 1 in The widespread use of fertility drugs causing hyperovulation stimulated release of multiple eggs by the mother has caused what some call an "epidemic of multiple births".
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